Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Breakfast at Tiff's

Dress - Warehouse
Shoes - Office
Bag - Accessorize
Sunglasses - Warehouse
Lipstick - Revlon True Red

love that I get to wear this dress to work.  It was a grower on me though, since I almost never wear black and like more colourful, girly shapes.  But It's just so simple a classic that the moment I put it on I knew I could get so much wear out of it.  I wear it with sandals in work, but here I put on my brand new, super sexy heels that Alex treated me to from the Office sale, and I love it just as much.  I feel kind of like a modern Audrey Hepburn in the Breakfast at Tiffany's heyday in this get up, even more so when I wear it with a massive bun in my hair.  A bit of simple classy-ness always goes down well!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Aztec Cowgirl

Shirt - New Look
Top - Fat Face
Shorts - New Look
Boots - Office

The weather stayed really sunny for a few days last week, so I made the most of it with another outfit post.  I was off work for a good few days in a row which was great, partly because I didn't have to spend all day inside a shop, and partly because I could wear things other than my uniform! I made the most of the day, and after pottering round the house I completed my first number choreography wise for Annie!  I was pleasantly surprised in that it didn't take me as log as I worried it would, so now I just need to get cracking with the rest and I will be a happy chappy :)

P.s I totally miss the colour I was here. Got a spray tan for my dancing show and it's all gone now! Back to being a pale little ghost, sob :(