Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Flying Saucer Blogging Challenge

On to days three and four of the blogging challenge:

3. Something you're wearing for the first time

I will admit that now I have worn these twice, but when I took the photo I just received these in the post!  They from Boohoo and I'll be honest, the only reason I got them was because they are called Megan!  I couldn't resist :D  but I do love them; they are so bright and summery and fit just nicely :)


4.  Your Favourite Print

After looking through my wardrobe I decided my favourite print is probably Aztec prints!  Yes I love florals and stripy T shirts, but I love the eclective and clashy type style of the Aztec print.  The photo above is a playsuit, denim shorts and a bodycon dress... all from New Look now I think about it!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Flying Saucer 30 day Blog Challenge!

It's been a while, but I am back!  Been busy with Uni and working lots but I saw Selina at Flying Saucer had created a 30 day Blogger Challenge for the month of May and I was really keen to join in!  I know I'm a little (A lot) later than most, but here are days one to four:

1. Your wardrobe

Geeeez these photos make my wardrobes look MASSIVE!  They really don't look that gigantic in real life... anyway these are my big imposing wardrobes that face my bed.  The first one (nearest you in the top photo) has my dresses and coats on the rail, then my viola and dancing bag on the shelf with my super cool Ikea shoe rack on the bottom!  I now have too many shoes for said rack though so I may need another one ;)  The middle little wardrobe is my main one, from bottom shelf to top I have: undies, tights and some socks, some more socks and jammies, tops, bottoms, jumpers and hats and scarves etc at the top.  This section is usually the messiest because I'm always throwing stuff in and out at speed!  Lastly, the end two doors house my skirts, trousers, and more fancy tops that do better being hung up on the top rail, with my bags and various other bits and bobs on the floor out the way!  I really should clear out that wardrobe seeing it in that photo...

And that's that!  Oh one more thing, I have covered the inside of my doors with various photos, artists etc, purely because my Mum would go ballistic if i covered my walls!


2. You have the most...

This was a toughie, because I recently threw a lot of stuff out!  At first my answer was going to be feather boas because it have about a dozen from various dancing shows but I though they were a bit impractical!  So instead I went with something I realise I have more than my fair share of...

I have loads (around 15) of big old slouchy t-shirts!  I don't even have a proper explanation for the collection either; I think mainly because they're good for dancing or when I'm on study leave.  Here are a few of my favourite ones:

Victims T (Killers fangroup) was a was unexpected Birthday gift, Scottish Ballet Romeo and Juliet tour T, some malt shop tie-dye number Sam gave me, Shark member T from when I did West Side Story ('MON THE SHARKS)

Thursday, 3 May 2012

few reasons why life is good


This lovely white plant that's out in my garden at the moment.  I don't quite know what flower it is, but I love how it's just so white and pure looking.  It works especially well with the darker colours of the others things in the pot and the pot itself.  Kudos to Mum.

It's a lovely sunny day outside, and I've been sitting out in the garden studying.  To cheer me up even more, the sweet little couple next door are sitting out discussing if it's too hot hot have a toastie for lunch, and someone on my street is playing a ukulele.

Now that the sun's coming back out and Summer is almost here, I can wear my wedges again!  I got them from ASOS last summer but it was too late on to wear them out enough, which was saddening.  So now I'm going to take full advantages of the benefits of wedges (stable heel, wear with anything) and ignore the fact they'll make me taller than Sam and wear them as much as I can.

Fish finger sandwiches.  Seriously; these things are AMAZING.  So simple, yet so tasty and satisfying.  I would recommend making yourself one at once, they're not hard.

We got new diluting juice at the weekend; cherry, cranberry and raspberry I think.  It's super tasty, and goes very well mixed with lemonade.

Finally, life is currently good because LOOK!  Look at my new, pretty dress!  Isn't it purdy?  See all the daisy print and the big skirt and how it's so summery?  It makes me feel like a little girl again.

Look at that little cut out bit at the back; so cute!  And the little gold buttons!  Do you know what the best part is though?  I get to wear this to work!  This is my newest piece of uniform and it's safe to say I love it.